Friday, February 12, 2010

Contract Employee Agreement Is A "Contract Employee" The Same As An "Independent Contractor"?

Is a "Contract Employee" the same as an "Independent Contractor"? - contract employee agreement

I'm going out to work as a contract employee at a company. You'll pay my own business, and I have to give my taxes.

My company is an LLC, the only person who I am and I'm not sure whether in this case, an employee of the "contract" and "independent contractors".

Please allow me to sign an agreement Dutti your company and I pay for the work.

What is the difference?


Knock N said...

Yes, they are the same.

idontkno... said...

The only difference lies in the tax structure. It saves a lot of U.S. dollars in this way in the form of taxes to pay both eventually self at the end of that self-employment tax. I'm sure they carry no insurance for workers in all.
I found working for a couple like the clothes and that working with a glorified all, I try that I do something about the enormous profits that have been made, and ends at the end of monetary loss.
After that I had decided not at all work was better than working for the clowns and the loss of $, so that when I sat down slowly, I am never at home or at work at my own stuff before I do not like that work anymore.
But it works for some people, I suppose.
~ Dave
Oh, and the last timeI saw I could not see and do quite legally.

Bostonian In MO said...

The terms are completely interchangeable. They mean the same thing.

stick man said...

In this case, it seems that you are an independent contractor. In other words, just ask, do the job, do not tell how to do it, pay taxes and benefits .... The only other question is ... Is it through a temporary employment agency or office rental? If you are a temporary, "the task is standard, but not like this.

shelcom said...

These conditions are the same.

Mark S said...

Although most people use these terms interchangeably, should not be used as such.

I worked for temp agencies. themselves and their corporate clients refers to temporary workers and contract workers. The customer signs a contract for temporary workers coming to work, therefore, an employee of the "contract"

The employee is not an "employee" of the temp agency a car outside.

rajee s said...

Check the link below his property


WilmaF said...

An independent contractor is someone who is independent. They usually work for someone and someone a bill. The bill is paid and are independent contractors who pay their own taxes. An independent contractor has several other clients that work. If an independent contractor working for a company all the time, really a benefit for employees and other workers have.
Moreover, the taxes will be deducted from their pay.

I can not give any experience with recruits a good explanation of what we are. Maybe someone here you can define it, but not the same.

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